ICMR 2023 encourage proposals of tutorials by qualified researchers on trendy and innovative topics of multimedia search and retrieval research. Tutorials are expected to have an educational slant rather than being a cursory survey of techniques, suited for graduate students and junior researchers interested in multimedia retrieval. Both half-day and full-day offerings are welcome. Hands-on tutorials are highly encouraged.
Topics for tutorial proposals include but are not limited to:
- Multimedia content-based search and retrieval
- Large-scale and web-scale multimedia retrieval
- Machine learning, deep learning for effective search
- Zero-shot learning and fine-grained retrieval for multimedia
- Crowdsourcing, community contributions, and social multimedia
- Emotion and sentiment analysis for multimedia search and retrieval
- User intent and human perception in multimedia retrieval
- Interactive recommendation systems
- Privacy-preserving multimedia search and retrieval
- Narrative generation and narrative analysis
- Multimedia browsing, summarization, and visualization
- Applications of multimedia retrieval, e.g., medicine, sports, commerce, lifelogs, travel, security, environment…
Tutorials will be offered free of charge to ICMR23 registered attendees. Tutorialists will be entitled to a speaker registration fee waiver at the conference
Submission Instructions
Proposals should be submitted by email to the Tutorials Chairs, either in plain-text or PDF format and should include the following information:
- Tutorial title;
- Tutorial duration: half- or full-day;
- Tutorial description: topics that will be covered, along with a brief outline and significant details.
- Proposer(s) information: name, title, affiliation, primary contact email, short bio, relevant publications with reference to the Tutorial topics. Materials to be distributed to attendees (if any).
- Prerequisites (if any)
For each accepted tutorial, a 2 pages tutorial overview abstract should be provided. The abstract is going to be included in the ICMR proceedings. The submission of the abstract should be carried out using the ICMR submission system. See the Paper submission section.
For any questions regarding tutorial submissions, please email the Tutorials Chairs:
- editor@edupub.org